Ash Croft Vets
     169 St Neots Road
     Cambridge, CB23 7QJ
     Tel: 01954 210250
     Pendrill Court
     Cambridgeshire, CB23 3UY
     Tel: 01480 831615

Emergency Out of Hours

Tel: 08455 004247 

Surgical Procedures

Surgical Procedures

We offer routine neutering and dentals, to far more complex procedures, all of which will be discussed fully with you.
Where we feel that a specialist would be preferable, we will with your approval, refer your pet to them.
We currently work with:

Admission for an Operation - Dogs & Cats
Unless an Emergency, your appointment will be pre-booked.
It is very important that your pet is starved for 12 hours before admission. Cats must be kept in overnight.   A drink of water during the night is acceptable but should be removed in the morning.                                                                                                                                For dogs, a quick on lead walk to empty their bowel and bladder is appreciated.                          
The administration of an anaesthetic obviously poses a degree of risk, with modern anaesthetic drugs however, these risks are relatively small. These risks increase with elderly animals and any animals suffering from intercurrent illness such as a heart defect or poor liver or kidney function.
If you have any particular concerns about your pet’s anaesthetic, we can arrange a pre-anaesthetic blood screening test to check heart, liver and kidney function and to check for diabetes.

Admission for an Operation - Rabbits
It is important that Rabbits are not starved before an operation, please feed them as normal.  Transport them in to us on newspaper (not hay/straw) and with some food.


Due to the complexities of policies, including various excesses applicable, we prefer that you settle your account with us and we submit the claim on your behalf. If you will find it difficult to fund the procedure, please talk to a vet or the Practice Manager before the operation.

Direct claims are at the discretion of the Practice

You will need to get a claim form from your insurance provider and complete the following details:
Name and address, Policy Number, details of claim, Signature

We will complete the form and send to your insurance company with a detailed clinical history and all invoices associated with the treatment being claimed for.

The insurance payment, less any applicable excesses, will be made directly to you.

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