Ash Croft Vets
     169 St Neots Road
     Cambridge, CB23 7QJ
     Tel: 01954 210250
     Pendrill Court
     Cambridgeshire, CB23 3UY
     Tel: 01480 831615

Emergency Out of Hours

Tel: 08455 004247 

Vaccinations - cats

Cat Vaccinations
Cats should be routinely vaccinated (annually) against:
•    Feline infectious enteritis
A severe and often fatal gut infection, is caused by the feline parvovirus (or feline panleukopenia virus). Vaccination against FIE has been very successful. Unvaccinated cats are at great risk because the virus is widespread in the environment.

•    Feline herpes virus and Feline calicivirus
Two types of cat 'flu are vaccinated against feline herpesvirus (FHV-1) and feline calicivirus (FCV). These viruses are very common and vaccination will protect your cat against prolonged illness, but because there are many different strains of cat 'flu the vaccine will not totally eradicate the threat.

•    Feline leukaemia virus (optional)
FeLV is a lifelong infection and unfortunately most cats will die within three years of diagnosis, usually from a subsequent disease like leukaemia, lymphoma (tumors) or progressive anaemia. It is not an airborn disease and can only be passed on via direct contact between c ats (usually by saliva or bites). Because of the serious nature of the disease, CP recommends FeLV vaccination.
Toxoplasmosis - the risk to pregnant mothers
The Cats Protection League have published a useful leaflet offering advice to expectant mums in relation to toxoplasmosis which can be found here. Toxoplasmosis Leaflet
The advice includes:
•    Get someone else to change your cat’s litter tray if you can, and if you can't, wear gloves and wash your hands carefully after changing the box
•    Change cat litter daily as T. gondii is infectious between one and five days after the cat defecates
•    Do not feed your cat raw meat
•    Wash your hands after contact with stray cats and kittens
•    Keep outdoor sandboxes covered
•    Wear gloves when gardening in case a cat has toileted there

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