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     169 St Neots Road
     Cambridge, CB23 7QJ
     Tel: 01954 210250
     Pendrill Court
     Cambridgeshire, CB23 3UY
     Tel: 01480 831615

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Reptile Reference Library

Simon retired in 2020.  Should your reptile require medical treatment please contact Iain Cope at Vets4Pets Newmarket on 01638 676340

Simon was not a reptile or zoological specialist, but having a keen interest in them, he gained extensive knowledge on their diseases and treatments. 

These pages are not a comprehensive guide to reptile medicine but are an insight to the way Simon approached the diagnosis and treatment of reptile cases together with illustrations of some of the more common problems and ways to treat and avoid them.


There are numerous reference books available in addition to the enormous amounts of information to be found on the internet.
The ones Simon uses the most are:

BSAVA Manual of Reptiles - excellent, authoritative and with enough detail to deal with all normal reptile problems.


CARPENTER, MASHIMA, RUPIPER  - contains drug dosages, treatment regimes for common problems like MBD and normal ranges for haematology and biochemistry where they are known.

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